Saturday, February 18, 2023

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Mizzou Baseball: Jersey Numbers

Ian Kinsler (22) & Tony Vitello (24) at 2003 Big 12 Tournament

When Nolan Gromacki, he of the hand-warming flaming red hair, first stepped on to the mound at Simmons Field, he reminded me of Phil McCormick, whom I had watched many times on that same mound. The two of them don't look anything alike, and their pitching styles are certainly not similar (McCormick transformed himself into a sidewinder and resuscitated his career). No, what they had in common was the number on their jerseys, #27. Both of them wore the number well and served the Missouri Tigers with distinction.

Now PJ Green is wearing #27. If gets innings on the mound, he'll remind me of those two Tiger pitchers when I see him. And JC Field and Derek Roper and... many more who wore the black and gold and 27. 

Only someone who has been around Mizzou Baseball as long as I have (or longer) would make a connection like that, and probably even many long-time fans don't remember uniform numbers.

Being a Mizzou Baseball History nut, I've been doing some research into historical jersey numbers.

Here's my list as it stands so far. The list goes back through most of the Tim Jamieson years, plus a few odds and ends of numbers and names I've managed to rummage up from earlier years.

If anyone has resources with other earlier rosters with numbers, I'd be delighted to include them. Or if you find an error, let me know. Contact me at

Players who spent time in the affiliated minor leagues are in BOLD. Players who made it to the Major Leagues are in BLUE. Players/Coaches with Retired Numbers are in RED.

#0 Jabari Brown (asst Coach 24)

#00 Rex Meyr (08-09)

#1 Cameron Benson (25), Juju Stevens (22-24), Josh Holt, Jr (19-21), AJ Lewis (17), Jerry Houston (15)

#2 Brock Daniels (25), Bryson Leblanc (Asst Coach 24), Dylan Leach (23), Mike Coletta (21-22), Thomas Broyles (19-20) Andy Toelken (17-18), Trey Harris (16), Brett Peel (15); Dillon Everett (13-14), Landon Lucansky (12),  Russell Lafleur (08-10 ), John Kruse (06-07), Jeff Zelenoviceh (05),  Lee Laskowski (01-04), Dustin Barnes (99-00) , Jason Williams (98), Henry Warden (97), C.A. Sweeney (95), Gary Greene (92-94), Greg King (88-91), Bill Hansel (86),  Mike Visina (84-85), Tom Ciombor (82-83), Phil Fix (82), Scott Collins (79-81), Ken Sigman (63), Terry L'Ange (65-66)

#3 Peyton Basler (25), Danny Corona (24), Tre Morris (20-23), Paul Gomez (19), Alex Samples (17-18), Shane Benes (15-16); Kendall Keeton (14), Michael McGraw (12-13 ), Andrew Thigpen (08-11), Evan Frey (05-07), Chaz Ebert (04), Brent Lacy (02-03), Mike Rallo (97-00), Justin Towe (93-96), Bill Mondrella (88-92), Mike Potthoff (87-89), Tim Clark (85-88), Mike Visina (84), Jay Cox (82-83), Mark Maurer (78-81), Ron Cummins (65) 

#4 Jayce Tingler
#4  Jedier Hernandex (25), Matt Garcia (23-24), Nander De Sedas (22), Tommy Springer (19-21), Brian Sharp (17-18), Jerry Zulli (04, Coach), Case Munson (12-15), Ryan Ampleman (08-11), Brock Bond (06-07), Dustin Braud (04-05), Jayce Tingler (00-03), Jeff Terrell (95-97), Steve Ball (91-94), Joe Silvestri (89-90),  Dave Silvestri (86-88), Mike Domenick (82-85), Joe Corrigan (80-81),  Joe Corrigan (79), Raymond Thorpe (65)

#5 Pierre Seals (25)Brock Daniels (23-24), Joshua Day (22)Tre Morris (19), Brett Bond (15-18);  Brett Graves (13-14), C.J. Jarvis (11), Michael Liberto (09-10), Kurt Calvert (06-08), Tyrone Roberson (03-05), Jon Williams (98-01), Justin Haley (95-96), Mike Fenley (93-95), Phil Neff (89-92), Bobby Tye (85-88), Dave Kelly (84-85), Shane Fairbanks (80-83), Mike Hankins (76-80),John Thomas (65)

#6  Jeric Curtis (24-25), Cam Chick (23), Dexter Swims (22), Art Schoenstadt (20-21), Seth Halvorsen (19), Cade Bormet (18), Ian Nelson (16-17), Trey Harris (15); Brett Peel (14- ), Brannon Champagne (10-12), Sam Lind (09),  Lee Fischer (07-08), Trevor Helms (03-06), Brian Desch (00-01), Matt Meinert (99),  Ryan Fry (95-98), Scott Swift (91-94), John Simone (87-89), Scott Black (86), John Schnurbusch (86), Todd Ashmore (84-85), Cary Eades (82-83), Kent Keiser (80),  Mike Lally (76-78), Barry Lubeck (65)

#7  Kaden Peer (25), Drew Culbertson (24), Ross Lovich (22-23), Jackson Lancaster (20-21),  Chris Cornelius (18-19), Kirby McGuire (16-17), Logan Bone (14-15), Brannon Champagne (13), Brett Graves (12), Matt Stites (11), Kale Gaden (10), Kyle Mach (06-09), Tyler Williams (03-05), Wes Fewell (99-02), Corby Jones (96-98), Ryan Vincent (96), Rob Fullerton (94-95), Chris Wyrick (90-93),  Jon Pittenger (87-89), Dave Van Iten (84-85), Mike Hufhand (82-83), Brad Bollinger (82), Jim Leavitt (75-78), Ken Sigman (65)

#8  Tucker Moore (24), Zach Franklin (23), Spencer Miles (22), Seth Halvorsen (20-21), Connor Brumfeld (17-19), Ryan Howard (14-16), Rob Zastryzny (11-13 ), Scooter Hicks (07-09), Bryson Leblanc (05-06), Adam Garrett (03-04), Chris Julo (02), Shaun Marcum (01), Paul Nisonettte (00), Mike Ketelsen (95-99), Jamie Cooley (91), Jeff Johnson (90), John Hay (89), Jerry Beckerman (87-88), Jerry Beckerman (86),  Todd Richmond (84-86), Fred Ambs (81-83), Rick Hereth (77-81), John Kruse (76-77),  Mike Strode (65)

#9  Ty Wilmsmeyer (22-23), Mark Vierling (18-21), Robbie Glendinning (17), Tim Jamieson (Coach 95-16; Asst Coach 24), Brad Womack (88-90),  Gary Cooper (87), Chris Benak (82-86), Marty Brown (82), Danny Iseminger (80-81), Jeff Haferkamp (76),  Jim English (77-81), Bob Robben (65-67)

#10  Gehrig Goldbeck (25), Jackson Beaman (22-24), Clayton Peterson (19-21), Matt Berler (17-18), Kaelan Crisosto (16), Jace James (13-15), Eric Garcia (10-12 ), Greg Folgia (07-09), Taylor Parker (03-06), Nick Wilfong (98-00), Justin Hellman (96), Jerry Vansell (95), Chris Shockley (91-94), Bill Eckert (90), Jonathan Voss (89),  Gary Barth (87-88), Nick Rallo (82-86), Russ Perkins (82), Jack Heeter (81), Steve Milhouse (79-81), Greg Cypret (75-78), Ronnie Shy (65)

#11  Austin Henry (25), Jack Holubowski (24), Luke Mann (22-23), Konnor Ash (18-21), Tanner Houck (15-17); Shane Segovia (14), Brandon Platts (12-13), Myles Smith (11), Brett Nicholas (10), Steve Gray (08-09), Dan Wise (07), Greg O'Neill (05), Bo Davis (02-04), Landon Brandes (00), Matt Bremehr (98-99), Rich McGuire (92-94), Mark Adair (89-91),  Kevin Uhrhan (85-88), Scott Goudy (84), John Marquardt (81-83), Lindy Duncan (78-81), Neil Basse (77-78), Mark Thiel (74-76), Dan Rudanovich (65)

#12  Tyler Macon (25), Justin Colon (22-24), Joshua Day (21), Blake Jackson (20), Tyler LaPlante (18-19), Nelson Mompierre (17), Jack Klages (14-16), Ryan Yuengel (11-13), Dan Wise (06), John Kruse (05),  Brad Flanders (03-04), Luke Cassis (99-02), Brian Barnes (95-98), Kevin McIntosh (94), Shawn Lemmons (92-93), Steve Hahn (89-91), John Matquardt (Asst Coach, 88), Steve Hahn (88-92), Tom Ciombor (84-87), Scott Little (82-83), Kevin LeCompte (83).  Jim Lumpe (79-82), Steve Dowler (77-78),  Jim English (76), Jim Pace (65)

#13  Brady Picarelli (25), Jacob Peaden (24), Rorik Maltrud (23), Garrett Rice (22), Cameron Swanger (19-21), Michael Plassmeyer (18), Jacob Franklin (17), Zach Lavy (16), Breckin Williams (13-15), Neil Hugenberg (10), Cole Mazurek (08-09), Cody Arzola (05-06),  Landon Scales (04), Adam Jones (03), PJ McGinnis (99-00), Torre Tyson (95-98), Jay Thompson (92-94), Chad Marion ((91), Eric Austin (85-87), John Weber (82-85), Orville Hollrah (65-67)

#14 Isaiah Frost (22-25), Alex Peterson (19-21), Zach Levy (14-15), Shane Segovia (13), Drew Carlile (11), Aaron Blunt (10), Trevor Coleman (07-09), Brett Harvel (05-06), Scott Fisher (03-04), Kevin Henry (00), Jake Epstein (97-99), Chris Giuliani (94-96), Rodney Weary (92-93), Grant Ingram (90-91), Mike Ruth (Asst Coach, 84-88), Bill Hance (81-83), Mark Armstrong (78), Rick Hereth (77), Frank Shellenback (76), Ernest Tebbe (65)

#15 Phil Bradley (79-81), Ryan Rallo (00-02), Gabe Craighead (97-98),  Tom Buchman (95-96), Jarry Vansell (91-94), Tim Pinkowski (87-90), Mark Patek (83-86), Todd Miller (82), Al Hightower (76-79), Bob Carpenter (65)

#16 Luke Mann (19-21), Ryan Ricket (18), Alex del Rio (15-17); Reggie Johnson (14), Kendall Keeton (13), Dillon Everett (11-12), Tyler Clark (08-10), Gary Arndt (04-07), Felipe Tetelboin (01-02), Brian Ackerson (99-00),  Griffin Moore (97-98), Jay White (92-96), Darnel Hawkins (89-90), Rob Traupmann (88), Jason Woodcock (86-87),   John Rallo (84-86), Greg Larsen (83), Paul Summers (79-82), Kevin Knop (78), Dave Tunney (77),  Mike Eader (65)

 Chris Patterson (25), Ben Pedersen (21-24), TJ Sikkema (17-19), Josh Lester (13-15), Dusty Ross (11-12), Aaron Senne (07-10), Nick Admire (03-06), Ryan Pickett (99-00) , Nick Schweider (96-98), Ron Hudson (92-95), Rich Reisdorf (88-91), Todd Richmond (86),   Paul James (85), Greg Larsen (82-85), Kevin Knop (78-81), Rob Schmidt (76-78), Lloyd Carr (65), Jim Pace (63), Gene McArtor (62), 

 Jackson Lovich (23-25), Shea McGahan (22), Jared Simpson (21), Art Joven (19-20), Paul Gomez (18), Conner Brumfield (16), Steven Diehl (14), Justin Byrd (13), Ben Turner (09-12 ), Sean Finley (07-08), Zane Taylor (03-06), Kurt Propst (99-02),  Brian Bax (98), Bryan Seymour (94), Chopper Littrell (92-93), Jason Owen (89-91), Tim Dressler (87-88), Scott Brown (85-86), Dewey Robinson (Asst Coach, 84), Bob Todd (Asst Coach, 80-83), Steve Dowler (76), Larry Goodman (63), John Boise (62)

 Keegan Knutson (25), Trevor Austin (22-24), Luke Anderson (18-20), Armaan Painter (17), Marquise Doherty (16), Alec Rash (13-15), Justin Byrd (12), Zach Hardoin (11), TJ Schieber (08-10), Cosme Caballero (04-05), Stephan Holst (03), Logan Dale (98-01), BJ Windhorst (97), Tim Mueth (96), Neal Daney (94-95), John Chambliss (92-93),  Brad Womack (91), Mitch Ingold (86-89), Roger Johnson (82-85), Steve Madden (81), Kevin Knop (79-81), Jeff Cornell (76-78), Rudy Stroupe (68),  Jack Stroud (64)

 Trey Lawrence (25), Kaden Peer (24), Tyler Packanik (Asst Coach, 23), Jacob Kush (22), Chad McDaniel (18-21), Jeff Emens (Coach 13-15), Jeff Emens (09-12), Ryan Lollis (06-09), Stephen Spaugh (05), Dustin Wernecke (04),  Andy Shipman (03), Garrett Bauer (01-03), Jody Harris (99) Jeremy Callier (95-98), David Sanderson (92-94), Bunky Moeller (88-91), Doug Bock (86-87), Brad Bollinger (83-85), Dave Gross (79-81),  Jim Maddock (79-82), Curt Brown (76-78),  Dave Harvey (62-63)

Sam Horn (23-25). Brandt Belk (21), Jacob Cantleberry (19), Ian Nelson (18), Dillon Lawson (17); Grant Macciocchi (16)Jake Ivory (12-15)Kelly Fick (08-11), David Cales (o6),  James Boone (03-05), Dan Bane (00), Justin Stine (96-99), J.J. Hansen (95),  Jason Meyhoff (92-94), Joe Winkler (90-91), Mark "Chili" Adair (88-90), Tony Chailland (88), Pat Carda (86-87), Kevin Uhrhan (85-87), Paul Martin (82-85), Mark Maurer (78-81), Bruce Whitesides (76-77), Steve Smith (62), Ronald Sieck (63)
Tigers playing with Joplin on mind (Columbia Tribune, 5/28/2011)

Hanging in Missouri's home dugout is a No. 21 jersey from the 2002-03 era that was discovered among the rubble in Joplin.

A photo was posted online, and catcher Ben Turner sent a text message to his father, Mark, who had driven into St. Louis on Friday to watch his younger son play a high school game. Mark Turner stopped in Joplin between 11 p.m. and midnight on the drive back to Oklahoma City to pick up the tattered jersey.

That was the only piece of property former KOMU reporter Brandon Spiegel, now working in Joplin, could find in the remains, miles away from his home.

“He goes, 'Take it and put it in their dugout,'” Mark Turner said. “ 'It kind of represents what you guys have done this year between the first half and the second half of the season.'”
The jersey design is from '00-'03, from the James Boone era. Kelly Fick, who wore #21 in 2011, pitched the game of his career in Game #4 of the Big 12 Tournament to send the Tigers in the championship game, while the Joplin jersey hung in the dugout.

 Kadden Drew (24-25), Chandler Murphy (23), Cade Bormet (19), Trey Harris (17-18), Chris Akmon (15-16); Sal Belfonte (11-13), Tony Vitello (Coach), Ian Kinsler (03), Ryan Jamison (97-99), Brian Jorgensen (93-96), Roman Bormet (87-91), Russ Perkins (83-86), Jay Pennell (81), Fred Ambs (80), Rob Lauer (77-81), Tony Lange (76), Wayde Fredrickson (62), Ron Shy (63), Norm Stewart (54-56)

Trey Harris #22 

#23 Ian Lohse (22-25), Andrew Keefer (21), Austin James (19-20), Zach Diewert (18), Johnny Balsamo (16-17), Hunter Mense (15/coach); Ryan Phillips (13), Evan Pratte (Coach), Jeremy Hale (98),  Aaron Akin (96), Brent Chamberlain (94-95), Steve Milholen (92-93),  Chuck Fletcher (89-91),  Dave Slavin (85-88), Dave Spreckels (81-84), Ron Mathis (78-80), Carroll McDannold (62-63),

 Trey Callaway (25), Jedier Harnandez (24), Hector Mangual (22), Dalton McNamara (20-21), Nick Swanson (19), Nile Ball (18), Chris Cornelius (17), Reggie McClain (15-16); Jordan Getzelman (14), Dane Opel (13), Kenny Burton (10-12), Nathan Culp (04-06), Tony Vitello (03/coach) Abel Newton (02), Andy Powers (00), Aaron Wilson (98-99), Nick Chweider (96), Bryan Seymour  (94-97), Jason Leath (93-94), Brian Conaty (91),  John Simmons (88-90),  John Schnurbusch (86-88),  Dave Otto (83-85), Dave Gross (81-82), Ed Woelbel (77-81), Nick Leon (76), Gene Stephenson (65-68),  Jim Nelson (62-63)

 Brock Lucas (24-25), Austin Troesser (23), Paul Winland (21), Eric Rinzel (20), Ty Olejnik (19), Blake Charlton (17), Jake Ring (14-16), Gerrion Grim (13), Blake Holovach (12), Jonah Schmidt (08-11), Dan Quinn (07), Derek Chambers (05-06), Jeremy Hernandez (03-04), Ryan Rothford (02), Ryan Stegall (99-01),Coby Cambell (8), William Mosley (96-97),  Michael Hunt (93-95),  Lee Rodriguez (91-92), Brian Bredensteiner (90), Tim Hawkins (87-89), Mike Rogers (84-87), Bob Baker (81-82), Rob Schmidt (79-81), Jim Werner (78), John Sweeney (76-77), Dan Reilly (62), Keith Weber (63)

 Victor Christal (25), Ryan Magdic (24), Jacob Hasty (23), Torin Montgomery (21-22), Bret Marden (20), Trevor Mallett (18), Michael Plassmeyer (16-17), Dan Pietroburgo (05-08), Jody Roughton (02), Matt Stallings (03), Mike Weiss (98-00), Matt Nivens (94-97), Tim Siegel (90-93), Tim Danze (Asst Coach, 88),  Mike Parker (85-86), Rich Wiesner (81-85), Joe Beason (79-81),  Rob Pietroburgo (75-78), George Hulett (62), Jack Stroud (63)

 PJ Green (25), Tyler Macon (24), Carlos Pena (22-23), Andrew Vail (21), Jake Matheny (19), Nolan Gromacki (15-18); Nick Moore (12), Phil McCormick (07-11), JC Field (05-06), Grant Kohlstaedt (04),  Derek Roper (02-03), Aaron Peterik (00), Justin Hellmann (97), Seth Wright (96-98),  Seth Wright (97), Justin Hellmann (95-96), Grant Ingram (92-94), Mike Keck (91),  Mark Steinmetz (88-90), Dave Biscan (82-85),  Mike Rogers (85-87), Craig Fitzpatrick (80), Jim Maddock (79-81),  Tom Bloemke (77-78), Tom Wild (76), Steve Silverman (62-63)

 Josh Kirchoff (25), RJ Jimerson (24), Tucker Moore (23), Garrison Bennett (20-22), Tony Ortiz (18-19), Liam Carter (15-17); Sean Ullrich (13), Conner Mach (09-12), Sean Young (08), John McKee (04-07), Brian Bilica (03), Mick Weiss (00), Jay Bell (96-98), Greg Lindstrom (91-95), Jeff Harrington (90), Todd Moseley (88-89),  Matt Greer (83-87), Pat Daly (82), Kurt Moody (79-81), Dave Gross (79-80),  Pete Woods (75-77), Jim Card (62-63)

 James Vaughn (25), Cameron Benson (24), Shane Wilhelm (20-21), Steve Bieser (Head Coach, 17-19), Zach Henderson (15); Keaton Steele (13-14), Ryan Clubb (09-12), Erik Dessau (04-05), Josiah Holst (03),  Jon Harris (00), Paul Couleur (98), Jason Calkins (95-96), Chris Robertson (91-94), Steve Powers (87-90), Marcus Adler (83-86), Greg McDonald (82), Jim Underhill (81), Steve Saulich (79-81), Jim Werner (76-78), Gary Woods (62-63)

— Mizzou Baseball (@MizzouBaseball) March 7, 2020

#30 Will Libbert (25), Carter Rustad (22-24), Ty Wilmsmeyer (20-21), Kameron Misner (17-19), Matt Feldt (15-16); Gavin Stark (12-13), Kevin Mahler (10), Bill Disselhoff (o6), Josiah Holst (03-04), Ralph McCasland (98-00), Robert Darrow (97), Keith Raines (30), Keith Massa (93-96), Mike Munro (89-92), David Black (88), Kevin LeCompte (84-87), Dan Durst (82-83), Pat Daly (81), Mark Kruse (80), Ron Mathis (77-81),  Jim Sevcik (62-63)

#31 Gio Lopez (18)Max Scherzer (04-06), Stephen Cole (03), Mitch Kiler (98-01), Mike Haverty (93-97),  John Dettmer (89-92),  Chuck Fletcher (88-91), Tony Russo (87) Bob Faron (82-86). Tom Heckman (78-81), John Piechocinski (76-77), John Simmons Jr (63-64), Jim Estes (62).

Interesting note:  Scherzer and Heckman, both #31, were both inducted into the MU Athletics Hall of fame at the same time, on February 10, 2012.

#31 Max Scherzer
#32  Kaden Jacobi (24-25), Jason Hagerty (Asst Coach, 23), Drew Garrett (21-22), Ian Bedell (19-20), Isaiah Cullum (18), Bryant Jordan (16), Logan Pearson (13-15), Matt Linderer (11), Ryan Gargano (07-09), Matt Wulfers (06), Abel Newton (05), Kyle Johnson (03-04), Abel Newton (02) , Matt Podjenski (96), Jake Filip (91-95),  Scott Black (87-90), Tim Danze (83-86), Sammy James (81),  Mike Pfautsch (77-81), Mike Moffo (76),  Larry Bohannon (62-63)

#33 Gene McArtor (Coach)

Rich Kretzschmar (62), Mike Strode (63), John "Hi" Simmons (Coach)

Daniel Wissler (23-25), Nathan Landry (22), Spencer Miles (20-21), Cameron Dulle (17-19), Tyler Hunt (16), Brandon Baker (14-15), Jake Walsh (13), Brian Carr (11), Andre Rodriguez (09-10), Ryan Dawson (08), Lendsey Thompson (07), Brett Reynolds (06), Andy Swayze (05),  Mark Alexander (00-04), Chris George (98-99), Brian Benson (95-97), Brian Woodrick (93), John Hay (89), Grover Musser (88), Dewey Robinson (Asst. Coach, 85), John Buss (84-85), Steve Southerland (79-82), Steve Shockey (76-78),  Tim Heintzelman (63), Tom Seal (35)

#36 Aeneas Clark (25), Parker Wright (21-23), Cole Bartlett (14-17), Patrick Quintanilla (12-13), Garrison McLagan (09-10 ), Travis Wendte (03-06), Pete Sansone (98-01), Scott Blue (97), Kalin Sharkey (95-96), John Hay (90-93),  Mike Potthoff (88-89),  Doug Bock (85-87), Dave Slavin (84), Dave Holder (82-83), Rich Peterson (62-63)

 Aden Malpass (25), Brock Lucas (23), Holden Phelps (21-22), Evan Stoll (17), Peter Fairbanks (13-15), Jeff Cline (12), Ryan Gebhart (09-11), Aaron Paterson (02) , Meade Hedricks (04-05), Meade Smith (99-00), Steve Brewster (96-98), Donnie Charles (94-95), John Moulton (93), Matt McLaughlin (91), Roger Bowers (89-90), Jeff Plunkett (87), John Hopson (84-86), Kreg Brown (82-83), Dave Spreckels (80), Bobby Jenkins (62), Hubie Molitor (63)

#37 Peter Fairbanks

 Blake Simpson (25), Bryce Mayer (23-24), Jacob Kush (21), Aaron Armstrong (16-17), Zach Hardoin (10), Matt Hobbs (99-02; 11-14 Coach),  Jeff Emens (09), Stephen Holst (06-07), Bryan Rider (04-05), John Gamble (98), Ray Yaeger (93-96), Brent Schneiders (90-92). Jason Weddle (89), Troy Girrens (88), Larry Pierson (86-87), Vic Kurtz (85), Kent Baur (83-85), Kurt Moody (79-82), Tim Laudner (77-81) , Gene McArtor (61-63)

Charlie Miller (24-25)Shane Wilhelm (22), Lukas Veinbergs (19-21), Cody Siebenberger (18), Griffin Goodrich (13-16),  Blake Brown (10-12 ), Brian Carr (09), Darrell Goodwin (63)

 Brady Kehlenbrink (25), Victor Quinn (24), Hank Zeisler (23), Austin Troesser (21-22), Brian DeLunas (06-09, 21-22 coach),  Peter Zimmerman (19-20), Jonathan Roof (18 asst. coach), Ty Shoaff (16-17), Tyler House (12), Brad Buehler (08-11),  Brandt Combs (05-07), Garrett Broshuis (02-04), Joe Rooney (99-00), Bob Price (62-63)

 Nic Smith (23-25), Zach Hise (21-22), Nick Lomen (19), Brad Jones (18), John Miles (12-15), Jesse Santo (10-11), Ian Berger (07-09), Scott Dunwoody (05),  Cody Ehlers (01-04), Reid Warner (99-00), Eddie Sutton (65)

 Wil Libbert (24), Fox Leum (22), Cameron Pferrer (18-21), Andrew Schwab (14-15), Brett Thomas (12-13), Jeff Scardino (10-11), Austin Holt (08-09), Michael Cole (04-05), Alain Quijano (03), W.T. Hoover (99-02), John Hi Simmons (62, 63), Gene Stephenson (65)

 Javyn Pimental (23-25), Austin Marozas (22), Spencer Juergens (19-21)Bryce Montes de Oca (15-18); Aaron Crow (06-08), Tony Vitello (00-02), John Sevcik (62-63), Roger Lindstrom (65)

#44 Xavier Lovett (24-25), Kyle Brown (22), Trevor Austin (21), Kyle Potthoff (20), Zach Hanna (18-19), Luke Boyster (17), Brian Sharp (16), Hunter Mense (15,coach); Eric Anderson (10-14), Kyle Gibson (07-09), Hunter Mense (04-06), Justin James (02-03), J.R. Warner (98-00), Aaron Jaworowsi (95-97)

#45 Kerrick Jackson (23-25 ), Aiden Heberlie (23), Christian Wall (22), CJ Cepicky (21), Tom Skoro (20), Josh Konecek (17), Kerrick Jackson (15/coach); Kyle Barbeck (12-13 ), Jeff Lusardi (10-11 ), Andrew Mueller (06-09), Andrew Johnston (05), Danny Hill (03-04), Drew Endicott (00), Brad Garrett (99)

 Ian Lohse (21), Zach McManus (20), Lake Dabney (15-17); James Hudelson (11), Nick Tepesch (08-10), John Thies (06-07)

 Ben Pederson (24-25)Kyle Potthoff (22-23), Trey Dillard (19-21), Austin Tribby (13-16; 18 staff), Dane Opel (10-12), Ryan Allen (07-09)

 Cayden Nicoletto (25), Logan Lunceford (23-24), Trae Robertson (19-22), Ryan Lee (15-17); Travis Wendte (Coach)

 Tony Neubeck (22-25), Garrett Rice (21), Steven Sanchez (20), Jordan Gubelman (18-19), Scott Sommerfeld (10-13), Eric Darkow (08)

#50 Ben Smith (24-25), Dalton Bargo (23), Rick Zagone (06)

 Jaylen Merchant (25), Jack Mosh (23), Brenner Maloney (20-22)Brandon Couzens (18), Lance Rhodes (17-19); Jeff Oracion (13), Kerrick Jackson (Coach), Jacob Priday (05-08), Ryan Rallo (03-04)

#52 Cam Careswell (22-23), Ross Lovich (21), Andrew Hohn (13), Jake Walsh (12)

#53 Seth McCartney (24), Jack Mosh (23)

#54 Josh McDevitt (24-25), Daniel Wissler (23), Jackson Beaman (21), Vinnie Losorelli (07), TJ Sinovich (06)

 Austin Cheeley (22), Jake Epstein (Asst Coach, 19), Graham Ruopp (16-17), Brandon Mahovlich (15); Dylan Kelly (13-14), Andreas Plackis (09-11), Rick Zagone (07-08), Doug Mathis (05)

#56 Ray Schroeder (22), Nathan Chester (21)

#57 Sam Bryan (22), William Fricker (21)

#58 Seth McCartney (25), Miles Garrett (24), Caden Griffin (21)

#59 Christian Long (21)

#61 Gabe Nutter (21)

#62 Kyle Pothoff (21)

#63 Eric Rinzell (21)

#64 Steven Sanchez (21)

#65 Nick Schmit (21)

#68 Chase Van Dyk (21)

#88 Mateo Serna (24-25), Ricky Meinhold (23, Pitching Coach)

#99 Travis Crow (07)

Updated 2/2/25

Monday, May 27, 2013

A Tip of the Cap from

Back in the mid-90's a Mizzou Baseball fan known as Kegger ran a website called  You can read his farewell post here.

As Kegger said in his farewell, "the University has started, and they are finally able to provide information in a timely fashion". But while they were able, actually following through on that capability was another thing.  The Athletic Department's foray into the internet was in its infancy and more focused on football and basketball than anything else.

And so I picked up the baton from Kegger and began, first at MSN Groups (now defunct), and then here on Blogger.

And now, about 14 or 15 years later, this is my farewell post.

The athletic department, through and through their new "strategic communications" effort, are now doing a pretty good job of covering MU Baseball "in a timely fashion".

And I just don't have the time I used to have for an unproductive, unprofitable and often thankless time-gobbler.

However, I'm not going to quit covering Mizzou Baseball completely.

I plan to continue to point fans to good info and links by way of Twitter (follow me @trripleplay).  And if you'll look at the left-hand column here on the home page, you'll see there's now a feed of everything I post on Twitter, for those of you who would rather continue visiting this blog instead of figuring out Twitter.
And I'm still occasionally going to be writing some longer pieces about Mizzou recruits, MU alums in the pros, and whatever else strikes me as useful, at, the best source for Mizzou Sports on the internet.  Tweets linking to those posts will also be on the Twitter feed.

I plan to leave tise site open and active for a long while.  The Twitter feed will keep on ticking and I'll try to keep the lists of links updated along the left and right columns, which I've worked to make the best list of Mizzou Baseball related links available.

You might want to make sure your bookmarks or favorites link to the full URL of this site,  in case I decide some day to stop paying GoDaddy $8.95 a year to keep the URL active.

So, while this blog is going into semi-hibernation, I'll still be around.  You can find me on Twitter and on RockMNation.  You can still e-mail me with questions and comments at simmonsfield @ .  And, of course, you can find me in Section E, Row 4, Seat 1 at Simmons Field, ever faithful to Mizzou Baseball.

Thanks to all who have made this worthwhile.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

A Tip of the Cap: And the Winner Is...

On the final day of our 2013 Tip of the Cap series, we take note of some of the special achievements by players, fans, media and others involved with the Tigers' 2013 season.

Best reason to watch a game from the third base line
3rd Base Sliders

If you went to SEC weekend series at Taylor Stadium all year and never wandered down by the pavilion, you didn't discover the Third Base Sliders concessions stand, and you missed some of the best food served at Simmons Field since Johnny's Beanery ran the concessions back in the 90's.  Chef Travis Taylor served up fresh grilled philly cheese and ham and cheese sliders, Chicago dog sliders, grilled corn on the cob, and more.  Mmm good, but you missed it.  Sorry.

And now they're already working on a new building and seating area in that spot, which I suppose means they probably won't be back next season.  But I'll be following my nose on that first SEC Friday night next season, just to make sure.

The Ian Kinsler Base Cadet Award

I'm really tempted to give this annual award for creative base-running to Dylan Kelly. We were warned early on about the catcher when Rob Z told KBIA Sports Extra “He may run a little weird, but he is a phenomenal teammate.” Watching DK run the bases or run down an errant baseball was like watching a Teenage Mutant Ninja Hermit Crab chasing down a meal.

But considering Kelly only attempted one steal all season (at which he failed), he hardly qualifies. Dane Opel actually lead the team in base-stealing blunders, but wasn't particularly spectacular in doing so.

And besides, the most spectacular base running catastrophe I saw all season was the now-famous slide into third by the orginal Mizzou Base Cadet, who face-plowed his way into reclaiming the award that bears his name:

Black & Gold Glove

Josh Lester not only played four different infield positions for the Tigers in 2013, he also led the team with the fewest errors (4) among Tiger infielders.

Among the outfield, Dane Opel had only 2 errors, and led the nation with 15 outfield assists.

And then there's Dylan Kelly, who committed only 1 error the entire season, and ably handled his duties as a backstop and handler of pitchers.

On a team that gained a reputation for sometimes catastrophic defensive failures, there really were a lot of amazing plays this season.  Keaton Steele made an acrobatic stop at first in one game that took my breath away.

Here's a tip of my cap for all the times this team flashed the leather like pros.

John McKee HBP Award

Dane Opel led the squad with 13 HBP, followed closely by Keaton Steele with 12.  Between the two of them, they accounted for about a third of the team's "accidental" plunkings".

Mark Alexander Phoenix Award
On May 17, 2010, Anderson had surgery to repair a torn labrum in his right shoulder.

On May 17, 2012, Anderson had surgery to replace the ulnar collateral ligament in his right elbow.

On May 17, 2013, Anderson's right arm helped the Tigers clinch a spot in their first Southeastern Conference Tournament (Columbia Tribune, 5/18)
Eric Anderson has impressed everyone with his bulldog determination to get past all the injuries and be the pitcher he once was.  He has definitely earned the come-back player award this season.

Nattering Nabobs

Without a doubt the best coverage of MU Baseball this season was provided by Alex Silverman of the the Columbia Missourian.

I was most impressed by the way he treated Mizzou Baseball the same way beat writers cover Mizzou Football or Basketball, as an important part of MU Athletics.  Many writers treat Baseball as one of the "unimportant" sports, and they treat it with kid gloves because it's not worth their time to dig and expose and question.  As a result, fans, players and coaches may come to expect more positive reporting and are a bit disturbed when someone plays a different tune.

Alex Silverman marched to the beat of an aspiring serious sportswriter, though, chasing down leads and calling things like he saw them.
"Root, root, root for the road team."

This could have been the refrain Saturday at Taylor Stadium, where No. 2 LSU clobbered the Missouri baseball team 8-0. Even after a five-hour rain delay, which several LSU fans spent tailgating under cover in the parking lots along Carrie Francke Drive outside the stadium, hundreds of purple-and-gold clad fans filled the seats behind the LSU dugout along the first-base line.

"We want a home-field advantage and, hell, we felt like we were in Alex Box," MU outfielder Logan Pearson said. "Their fans stomped our fans today." (Columbia Missourian, 3/31)

That apathy seemed evident following Tuesday’s loss. Outfielder Case Munson, who made a tremendous diving catch in the contest, was all smiles with reporters after the game despite the result. (Missourian, 4/3)

It was Missouri third baseman Shane Segovia’s shot at redemption. A base hit in the bottom of the 15th inning Saturday would make it all OK.

The ball he bobbled half-an-inning earlier that lead to Florida’s go-ahead run wouldn’t matter.
The night before, Missouri head coach Tim Jamieson pinch-hit for Segovia in the bottom of the ninth, a decision that haunted him after his replacement, Jake Ivory, struck out looking.

“I second guessed it,” Jamieson said. “Even though Shane’s struggling, he probably was still the best option at that point.” (Missourian, 4/21)

The Missouri baseball team's postgame reaction Sunday at Taylor Stadium was an unusual sight. The Missouri players were uncharacteristically jubilant after sweeping Auburn in a doubleheader Sunday, 3-1 in the first game and 4-1 in the second game, to take its first Southeastern Conference series win at home.

There were high fives all around, pitcher Keaton Steele and infielder Gavin Stark shared a chest bump-based dance, and infielder Mike McGraw rode on the shoulders of outfielder Brannon Champagne. (Missourian, 4/29)

"Pregame I didn’t sense it," Jamieson said. "Anytime that happens, it’s lack of focus, not good enough focus. I can’t explain it."

Jamieson has been at a loss throughout the season, which is on pace to be his worst at Missouri since his first season in 1995. Missouri signed Jamieson to a contract extension through 2015 following the team's Big 12 Conference tournament title last season. (Missourian, 4/30)

Honorary mention goes to Jack Witthaus, writing for The Maneater, who often was competing with Silverman for the same stories, and sometimes beating him to the punch.  He caught the attention of this Mizzou Baseball history buff, though, with a profile of former Tiger Jim Doerr.  If you haven't rad it, click the link and learn.
Doerr, donned in a bright green sweater with yellow pants, arranges a simple display on one of his couches. He’s collected a few framed photos, an autographed bat and some worn articles printed on computer paper. A fat, jewel-incrusted ring emblazoned with an “M” is wedged on his finger.
Number Cruncher

Sam Nasci
Sam Nasci is, as Bill Connelly of RockMNation calls it, a Numbers NERRRRD.  A Junior this year at Mizzou, his dream is to be a sportswriter focusing on statistical analysis of sports, especially baseball.  Sabermetrics, as the nerds like to call it.

Sam came to me before the season and offered to help me out by writing previews of each MU Baseball opponent this season, and we cut a mutually beneficial deal:  less work for me, experience and exposure for him

I received several comments this season, telling me, I really liked that preview you did of this weekend's series!  It wasn't me, folks.  Sam I am not, but I tip my cap to him for adding a different flavor to this season with his Mizzou Matchup pieces.

That's it for the 2013 season.  The results were disappointing, but it's still baseball.  Put two teams of nine kids on a field with a ball and a bat and I'll be glad to watch.

There is one last Tip of the Cap post.  Check back here Monday morning.

Friday, May 24, 2013

A Tip of the Cap 2013: Word on the Tweet

Tweet of the Year:

You thought you deleted that one, didn't you?

Snow Days


Life in the SEC

Just Another Bunch of College Guys

Tex & Hunter

Thursday, May 23, 2013

A Tip of the Cap 2013: By the Numbers

288th  Mizzou's RPI ranking on March 4th, out of 296 D-1 teams ( RPI)

139th Mizzou's official NCAA RPI ranking  on May 21st.

7 MU's Strength of Schedule ranking among D-1 teams (, 5/22)

18-32  Final W-L record, fewest wins since 1975; Tim Jamieson's fewest wins as head coach

.360  Lowest winning % since 1995

5  Games cancelled

12  Games postponed or rescheduled

20.5 Inches of snow in in the last 8 days of February in CoMo

33.7  Average temperature in March in CoMo

3  Longest MU winning streak, 3/6-3/8 vs. Eastern Michigan (DH) and San Francisco

6  Longest MU losing streak, the first two weekends of the season vs. Southern Mississippi and Memphis

2 Number of games MU lost by just 1 run

15 Home runs for the team, fewest since 1973

64 Doubles, fewest since 1975

205  Runs, fewest since 1973

402 Hits, fewest since 1983

185  RBI, fewest since 1973

161  walks, fewest since 1973

2-9 Rob Zastryzny's W-L record

3.38  Earned runs given up by Rob Z per 9 innings

1.92  Average runs scored by MU in Rob Z's 13 starts

228 Career strikeouts for Rob Z, tied for 8th all-time at Mizzou (tied with Rob Pietroburgo, father of current assistant coach Dan Pietroburgo)

3.87 Team ERA, surpassed only by the 2004-2006 Max Scherzer teams since 1981

484 Hits allowed, fewest since 1993

242 Runs allowed, fewest since 1983

189 Earned Runs allowed, fewest since 1983

152 Walks allowed, fewest since 1983

15  Outfield Assists for Dane Opel in 2013, 1st place in Division 1 for the regular season

30  Career Stolen Bases for Brannon Champagne, tied for 9th all-time at MU

4  Infield Positions played by Josh Lester: 23 1B, 7 2B, 6 SS, 7 3B

30 Games Jake Walsh appeared in, out of 50

.193 MU's batting average in the 2013 SEC Tournament

.359  MU's batting average in the 2012 Big 12 Tournament

1.11  MU's ERA in the 2013 SEC Tournament

2.83 MU's ERA in the 2012 Big 12 Tournament

8 NCAA Regional appearances in 10 years from 2003-2012

1 NCAA Regional appearance in 4 years from 2010-2013

622 Career wins by Tim Jamieson

Conference ISR rankings, as of 5/22/2013
1 114.5 ACC
2 113.0 SEC
3 112.7 PAC 12
4 109.0 Big West
5 108.6 Big 12
3,145 Biggest Crowd at Taylor Stadium in 2013, also biggest regular season crowd ever

127  Smallest Crowd at Taylor Stadium in 2013

19,561  2013 Total Attendance

752   2013 Average Attendance

Past Years' Regular Season Home Attendance
2012: Total: 26,357; Average: 824
2011: Total: 13,334; Average: 476
2010: Total: 19,310; Average: 715
2009: Total: 23,848; Average: 852
2008: Total: 30,687; Average: 1,136
2007: Total: 14,190; Average: 645
2006:Total: 23,906; Average: 885
2005:Total: 16,965; Average: 707
2013 Home Attendance Detail
ATT - DAY DATE OPP3,145 - Fri 3/15 S. Carolina
2,563 - Sat 4/20 Florida
1,263 - Fri 3/29 LSU
1,107 - Sun 3/31 LSU
1,018 - Sun 4/21 Florida
945 - Sat 3/30 LSU
886 - Sun 5/18 Kentucky
879 - Sun 4/28 Auburn G1
879 - Sun 4/28 Auburn G2
850 - Sat 5/17 Kentucky
840 - Fri 4/19 Florida
826 - Sat 3/16 S. Carolina G1
826 - Sat 3/16 S. Carolina G2
750 - Tue 4/30 SEMO
654 - Fri 5/16 Kentucky
544 - SatT 3/9 SF
480 - Fri 3/8 SF
431 - Wed 3/13 Truman St
423 - Tue 3/12 Jackson St
400 - Tue 3/19 Arkansas St G1
400 - Tue 3/19 Arkansas St G2
306 - Wed 4/24 Missouri St
291- Fri 4/26 Auburn
227 - Wed 3/6 E Mich G1
227 - Wed 3/6 E Mich G2
127 - Wed 3/27 Neb-Omaha
Top 10 All-Time Home Attendance
6/2/07 Louisville (Regional) 3,630
6/1/07 Kent St (Regional) 3,481
6/3/07 Louisville (Regional) 3,457
3/15/13 South Carolina 3,145
5/17/08 Nebraska 3,126
5/18/08 Nebraska 2,418
4/25/98 Texas 2,347
4/24/98 Texas 2,372
5/5/12 Texas 2,2104/5/08 Okla St 2,205
6/4/07 Louisville-MU (Regional) 2,199

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

A Tip of the Cap 2013: Season Interrupted

The theme of 2013 was supposed to be Mizzou Baseball building on that Big 12 Championship and proving to the SEC and that they do belong, that they can compete. The catch phrase before the season began was "Embrace the Underdog".

And then, it seemed that everything that could go wrong did go wrong.  The team hit at an historic low production level.  The defense struggled to maintain leads.

The two players in that intro video who said, "I won't back down" and "I will make plays", weren't even on the active roster by season's end.

What was the problem?
It was the weather.

Specifically, it was the cancelation of four nonconference weekend home games in March. When SEC play started, the Tigers were a step behind. Not only have they have not been able to catch up, it seems that everything that could go wrong has gone wrong.

"I mean, I know this is not a great team, but we've been good enough to be right there," Jamieson said last week, "and you wonder, 'OK, if we'd been able to tweak a few things or get guys more prepared by playing more games, could it have been different?' It's not a great team, but it could have been a .500 club. It could have been a club that at least gives you some positives." (Columbia Tribune, May 16, 2013)
Perhaps we all should have been recognized it as a bad omen when Hattiesburg, MS, the site of the Tigers' season opening series, was hit by a tornado 5 days before Game 1.  The weather man was not kind to Mizzou Baseball in 2013.

The schedule seemed to stumble along in fits and starts all season long.
  1. Entire home opener series vs. Northwestern: cancelled due to huge snow.  Three games lost.
  2. Game 1 at Memphis was pushed to a later start time due to weather.
  3. 2-day series against Eastern Michigan pushed to a double header (7 innings each) on Wednesday, in bitter cold.
  4. Game 3 vs. San Francisco: cancelled
  5. Game vs. D-II Truman State cobbled into the schedule.  One game added, but it doesn't really count in the official RPI.
  6. Game 3 vs. South Carolina moved up to be part of a Saturday double-header ... in bitter cold
  7. Two-game set against Arkansas State was moved forward to a double-header, due to weather.
  8. Game 3 vs. Tennessee moved up to part of a Saturday double-header
  9. Tuesday game against Nebraska-Omaha was pushed back to Wednesday, due to yet another big snow.
  10. Game 2 against LSU was pushed back from 1:00 to 6:00 due to rain, wiping out a scheduled national TV broadcast.
  11. Missouri State at Mizzou was postponed a week due to severe thunderstorms
  12. Murray State game was cancelled outright due to heavy rains in the forecast
  13. Saturday game vs. Auburn postponed to later in the day, then postponed to be part of a 7-innings double header on Sunday.
That's a total of 17 games that were either cancelled, postponed and/or rescheduled.  Five were cancelled altogether.  The Tigers only managed to play 48 Division I games, as opposed to the normal 56 game schedule.  

Tim Jamieson does have a point, that the constant interruptions made it hard for the Tigers to get going..

On the other hand, Mizzou Softball saw 14 games cancelled outright, plus many more postponed and rescheduled, including weather delays in their SEC Tournament.  They finished 35-11, 15-8 in the SEC, won the Regional they hosted in Columbia and at this writing are preparing to host a Super Regional.  And they did that even with their pitching staff in disarray.

So, yes, the weather problems were hard to deal with.  But that doesn't really explain this season.

The Best of Times, The Worst of Times

The 2013 Tigers were a bipolar team, proving themselves to be both one of the best and one of the worst Tiger squads in decades.

This season's pitching staff has proved themselves to be one of the best and deepest Mizzou fans have seen in quite a while.  The team ERA of 3.87 is surpassed only by the Max Scherzer teams of 2004-2006 during the Tim Jamieson era of the past two decades, and prior to that you have to go back to 1981 to find a better pitching staff..

The offense, however, stands out historically in a way not as admirable.  The Tigers' team batting average of .245 is the worst team BA since 1969, when the Tigers managed a weak .230 average.

The final game of 2013 summed up the entire season in 17 long innings.  Rob Z pitched a masterful 9 innings, Keaton Steele followed up with 7 more scoreless innings, and it was a run given up by Jake Walsh in the 17th inning that ended the Tigers' season.  That incredible pitching performance just wasn't good enough to make up for the Tiger lineup's .193 batting average for the game, getting their only run on a wild throw.  It was an exhilarating game and a frustrating game.

And it was an exhilarating and frustrating season.

Leaving the Zou

Same Song, Final Verse

"We're still going to have to score runs, and that has been our biggest issue," Jamieson said. "Rob has been great for his entire career at our place. He is going to be a high draft at the end of the year, and he has a good professional career ahead of him, and he'll compete and do fine, but we have to score runs." (Columbia Tribune, 5/21)

The story of Mizzou Baseball in 2013 has been a consistent one, and it continued right on through the final 17 inning chapter.   It's the story of a bi-polar team.  And no, I'm not talking about the weather.

In the final marathon against fellow defending conference tournament champion Mississippi State, the Tiger pitching shined as always.  One of the best and deepest pitching staffs of Tim Jamieson's tenure represented themselves well, led by their ace, Rob Zastryzny, and the Man of Steele, Keaton Steele.
At least on this night, Zastryzny silenced any and all doubters. The lefty was terrific against the Bulldogs, striking out seven, walking two and allowing just one run on seven hits in nine stellar innings of work.

"He was phenomenal, focused and on a mission tonight," Missouri coach Tim Jamieson said. "I think that's about as well as he has thrown all-season long for nine-straight innings.

"I think he's the next of our pitchers to make it to the big leagues," Jamieson continued. "He has big-league type of stuff and his competitiveness is off the charts out there." (Perfect Game)
"I'm not even going to attempt to pronounce the first left-hander's name but we'll probably all know his name in five years when he's playing in the big leagues because he's really good," Mississippi State head coach John Cohen on Missouri left-handed pitcher Rob Zastryzny (

On the other hand, last night's game was typical of the entire season for the offense as well. MU's lone run was scored on a wild throw. The hitters, while they gave it everything they had, it just wasn't enough yet again. The team managed 11 hits hits in 57 at bats, for a .193 batting average, with only one extra-base hit. And as usual against a ranked SEC team, they weren't given many walks or other free bases to exploit.

And so a difficult season ends. The Tigers finish 18-32 overall, 10-20 in the SEC.

None of the regular hitters finished with a batting average above .300. On the other hand, all the regulars managed to lift their averages above the .200 Mendoza line by the season's close.

But the pitching amassed a team ERA of 3.87, which is good enough to carry a team deep into the post-season...if it weren't for the fact that the offense has handed its opponents' pitchers a 3.60 ERA.

As I've said all year long, it wasn't about the move to the SEC. A team that only hits .245 as a team isn't going to compete in any conference.

But, like every Cubs fan knows, there's always next year.

Over the coming week we'll be posting our annual Tip of the Cap season wrap-up series here at before we put this season to a merciful end.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

MIZZOU MATCHUP: No. 16 Mississippi State Bulldogs

Head Coach: John Cohen (126-111 in 5th season as Alabama Head Coach)

Hoover Metropolitan Stadium – Hoover, AL
Tuesday @ 8 PM CT (CSS, ESPN3)

Missouri (18-31, 11-20 SEC) vs. Mississippi State (40-16, 16-14 SEC)

After the weekend series against Kentucky, Missouri found a way to get into the SEC Tournament as a 12 seed, the lowest seed to make the tournament, and have drawn the Mississippi State Bulldogs in the first round. This game is an elimination game, so if the Tigers lose, that will be it for their season. The Bulldogs took the series last weekend against South Carolina convincingly, and expect to roll past Mizzou. They have a 2-0 neutral site record, and an impressive 40-16 mark overall.

Projected Lineup
SS Adam Frazier (L) .338
3B Alex Detz (L) .311
RF Hunter Renfroe (R) .362
2B Brett Pirtle (S) .309
1B Wes Rea (R) .277
CF C.T. Bradford (L) .308
LF Demarcus Henderson (R) .273
C Nick Ammirati (S) .276
DH Derrick Armstrong (R) .250

Position Players
This may be the best 1-9 lineup that the Tigers have faced all year. In the three-hole resides Hunter Renfroe. In my column a couple weeks ago I highlighted him as the SEC leader in isolated power, as one of the best all around hitters in the conference. He is first in the SEC in slugging percentage (.691), and has drawn almost as many walks (33) as he has struck out (34). His OBP of .459 is also good for the team lead. Five of their starters are hitting above .300, which brings the team batting average to .295; good enough for third in the SEC (Vanderbilt leads at .319). Their run production absolutely obliterates their opponents, outscoring them 342-189 which is just a sample of their offensive domination. For the season, there is no major offensive category that the Bulldogs are inferior to their opponents.

Projected Pitching Matchups
LHP Rob Zastryzny (2-9, 3.64 ERA) vs. RHP Trevor Fitts (0-0, 1.65 ERA)

The highlight of the Bulldog pitching staff is their bullpen. It is chalked full of guys with ERAs under 2.00, with the capability of striking out a lot of hitters. Tiger hitters will will be facing somewhat of an unknown as Bulldogs coach John Cohen is planning to start a sophomore pitcher with only 21 innings in his entire career at Mississippi State . He has appeared in 12 games this season, with a total of 16 innings pitched, so he probably is not being counted on to go very long as a starter.  In effect, Mizzou may be facing a Johnny Wholestaff situation in this game, with the Bulldogs relying on that deep bullpen against what they obviously consider to be an inferior opponent.

Matchup Wrap-up
The only way I see Missouri winning this game is if they can adjust to a revolving door of pitchers coming in for short stints on the mound.  If they can get to Fitts early and put some quick runs on the board will give Rob Z the confidence of pitching with the lead. This lineup could be the best Mizzou has faced this season, and they will have to put together a complete game to take down the favorited Mississippi State Bulldogs.